
Ruth Beard
Milk River, Alberta, Canada
Put it in and never looked back. Brushing moss and algae off of conventional screen with foot valve every 7 hours. No silt or algae plugging pivot sprinklers or end gun. Wished we would’ve got one years ago.

Alan Gross
Riverscreen is doing what it was claimed to do and really enjoy the foot valve. It has eliminated a lot of priming and the screen has eliminated digging silt out of the old suction screen! The water is staying exceptionally low and probably wouldn’t even be able to pump without it!

Lee Fintel
Superior, NE
On our surface water irrigated farms we used suction pipes with screened foot valves prior to installing the three Riverscreens. We were constantly unplugging nozzles in the first four pivot towers, and the end booms and end guns would fill with silt every year. After we installed the Riverscreens, we haven’t had debris plugged nozzles and the water flowing through the pivots is clean enough that if flushed the previously deposited silt from the end booms. In the 5 years prior to installing the Riverscreens, I estimate we spent 200 hours dealing with plugged nozzles and flushing silt.